It is a cynical exploitation of employees being perpetrated by the Heyfield timber mill management. By telling their employees they are going to close if the government doesn't give them the amount of timber allocation they want. They have incited their employees and their families to protest on the steps of parliament.
The hope of the Heyfield mill management is that the pressure of many people will crush the governments resolve to protect their industry long term, for the next generation by keeping it sustainable. Or conversely, have the Victorian Government give them a grant that will make the management even more wealthy. Because they are not going to take any path that will help their workers, they will be considered collateral damage after all.
Shame Heyfield timber mill management. The percentage of profit will be the same no matter what amount of the Victorian/Australian peoples resource is allocated for milling. It will just be less overall because there will be less timber milled. The mill just runs less timber through less working machines. Yes some jobs are lost, but there are many Victorian towns that have lost their timber mill, and some who have lost two.
It's not about the Leadbeater Possum. Though it should be. It's about ensuring a sustainable timber industry for the children of those who want to continue in that industry. Sad if mill workers can't see any of this.
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