Heyfield mill doesn't have to close, and the operation using a reduced amount of timber to produce their product will give the same percentage of profit per cubic metre but it won't be as much profit in total, because there will be less cubic metres processed. The mill owners want to get as much profit as they can, so they use the leverage of their workers and their families. Other timber mills have closed down all over the state, and once the dust settles, the people who thought they would never find work, did. It will be no different in this instance.
That's what makes Barnaby Joyce's proposal all the more ridiculous. To destroy forest long protected just to maintain jobs in the short term, is madness. The forests that belong to all Victorians and Australians, and those who live and find food in them, should be preserved for future generations. We have to get our priorities right, we have the chance to make a difference, a difference that will benefit everyone by reducing the amount of timber that is being ripped from the forested areas.
Barnaby Joyce's proposal makes it clear that there is nothing he won't do to get his name in the papers, loves grandstanding, even with silly ideas. He has no idea of the importance of wildlife or how to maintain a sustainable hardwood timber industry, just to mention a few that pertain to this issue. He is all about agriculture which slashed and burned its way through the Australian landscape when there was plenty of timber to be milled, but was cut down, windowed and burned with no benefit. Degrading the land upon which the forest once stood, and losing all the nutrient to leeching into waterways and ending up in the sea.
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