Saturday, June 7, 2008

A home rather than a house...

In search of the home one seeks a shelter, something that will keep off the rain, something that is dry, and yet when the weather is dry will be a little moist. Warmth in winter and shade in the hottest part of summer. A home can be a thing which loosely and lovingly treats us differently us from the outside the world which nature creates, it permits, possibly even encourages us to engage an environment which is mostly ours alone. A house, which is very different from a home, can be a thing that shows us boasting and by so doing build a rack upon which we may be broken. Confusing us into thinking what we want is what we also need. It can grow from us, showing who we think we are, putting up a front and becoming one who competes with others.

A home is a shelter to our being, it should cosset and succour us, but more would make it a monster that will drive us all our living days. A house is not important, though in modern society it has taken on another dimension, and people strive to have a house which is better than the one which keeps their neighbour dry. We need to take care with our home, because it is supposed to be an extension of our true selves, an environment of our own, not a status symbol to impress others. A home is supposed to be a place to go, or come too. It is a place to enjoy things that might not exist in the natural world, and yet it should allow the natural world to come in, join us and find itself welcome and comfortable. It should be a place within the natural world, a micro-climate for our personal needs.

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