The warnings continue but few people recognise them. The worry of so many diseases are happening in the livestock industries, poultry enterprises in particular, as people disrespect the food they eat looking only for anything that's cheap, rather than a product that has been farmed well, humanely and lived well. There are more and more diseases that were almost dormant under normal stocking rates and conditions of healthy space and reasonable self determination for animals and birds, which are becoming a serious problem. Not only for the production of the end product which we expect to be of good quality, but also for the people working in these intensive, disrespectful industries. The voices in the wilderness can be heard if one listens and yet no one takes any notice and people continue along what looks like the yellow brick road to plentiful food, but which is really only a sand track leading to a really horrifying, disease ridden mess for the human race.
Diseases that are becoming more prevalent in all livestock and any loss of quality in plants is not going to help us survive all the other problems that greed and carelessness is heaping upon us. Science has for far too long been treating symptoms which it thinks it has overcome, and not the actual causes which affect us and everything on this planet. All human beings have allowed themselves to be mislead by what appears to be glorious time of plenty and happiness, but never looked the mess left behind or the future for our children. Mass production is not the answer and never was, though it looked promising at the start, and should have been long recognised, but like global warming is now, will be noticed only when it's too late.
Small production and producer operations decentralised and in all areas should be encouraged. Small scale producers, and manufacturers. The lower cost of mass production has enormous costs in other areas, huge companies are the problem not the answer. To think that getting bigger is better, and that it can be never ending shows a complete disregard or lack of understanding of what life is all about.
Now it's all about money on every hand, and there is a squeeze which cannot be endured for long. People are getting pushed to the wall because they all seek to do the same thing, they follow without thinking. To make something less expensive will require something to be at a reasonable cost, but those that grow and process it to be happy with a Little less financial reward, and maintain a pride in their work and the product they produce, which should be sufficient for even the most greedy?
People are either very stupid or don't have a thought about what is happening under their noses? I repeat myself.
There is nothing gained but something is lost. The trick is trying to discover if the gain is actually that and not a greater loss than what is already in place. This takes time, but there are too many who think that racing ahead is what is required. I wonder to what end racing ahead might be required?